Stop Chasing Wellness

Like Cures Like

Kristin Season 3 Episode 33

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Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine.  Homeopathic physicians, believe that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people.  The idea is that like cures like.  For those looking for remedies to heal or cure the body without turning to prescription medications there is much to be learned in the world of homeopathy.  In this podcast we are joined by our friend Ashlie Cook who is studying homeopathic medicine and has been using homeopathic remedies for 13 years.  

Ashlie is from Oklahoma originally but now lives in North Carolina after some time in Colorado and Texas. She's the mom of 3 kids, 1 mini-goldendoodle, and 7 chickens. She's been married for 21 years and started her "crunchy" journey in 2014 when she and her family started having major health issues and traditional medicine couldn't offer any answers. Along the path she's tried many different health-world approaches and options and has fallen in love with homeopathy and how it helps the body heal from acute and chronic issues. She's been using homeopathy for 13 years and has been a student for almost 2. She gets excited to help people experience relief and healing from these safe and effective medicines!

Here's how to connect with Ashlie:

Restoring Health 4 u on Facebook

Restoring Health 4 U on Instagram 

Stop Chasing Wellness is an online wellness coaching company founded by two Holistic Health Coaches, Gina and Kristin. Be sure to check out all of our offerings including our book, Stop Chasing Wellness; Create It, and our growing catalog of Hormone Specific coaching courses. All of our courses and offerings are designed to help you feel and live your best life in a simplified way that works for you. You can find Stop Chasing Wellness on Facebook and Instagram

Hello, friends, and welcome to the Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
If you're here listening to this podcast, we believe it's because you value your health,
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or child find a
better way to deal with their struggles.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down the rabbit hole of confusing, conflicting
information that's swirling all around you.
We've got you.
As certified holistic health coaches, Coach Gina and I, I'm Coach Kristin here, focus
our health coaching on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection
of what's going on in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
your level of physical activity, and the overall health of your spirituality practice,
your career, finances, and education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of this wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker, we invite you to check out our website,,
to learn more about the wellness coaching programs that we offer, as well as to purchase
our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach.
We're so proud to share this with you and hope that you'll find it to be the catalyst
that you need to help point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
And our online wellness coaching programs are done in a way that allow you to start
your program at a time that's convenient for you.
And Coach Jean and I are with you every step of the way to help guide and educate you and
help you make this your own personalized experience.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body, as well as actionable steps to incorporate lifestyle changes that
support the health of your hormones and create vitality.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and learn to start creating it.
We have a growing catalog of hormone-specific coaching programs that we absolutely love
and we know you'll love them too.
And now I'm super excited to introduce our special guest speaker, Ashley Cook.
Ashley is from Oklahoma originally that now lives in North Carolina after some time in
Colorado and Texas.
She's the mom of three kids, one mini golden doodle, and seven chickens.
She's been married for 21 years and Ashley started her crunchy journey in 2014 when she
and her family started having major health issues that traditional medicine just couldn't
offer any answers for.
And along the path, she's tried many different health world approaches and options and has
fallen in love with homeopathy and how homeopathy helps to heal the body from acute and chronic
She's been using homeopathy for 13 years.
She's been a student of homeopathy for almost two.
She gets excited to help people experience relief and healing from these safe and effective
And now without further delay, we're so excited to bring our friend Ashley Cook along with
us for this podcast.
All right, well, welcome everybody.
I'm so excited for this today.
I'm really excited for everybody to learn a little bit more about homeopathy.
I heard so many different inflections of how that's pronounced.
So we're going to explore the world of homeopathy today with our friend, Ashley, who I've known
for, I think it's probably at least been eight years.
We're trying to figure out how long have we known each other?
And we have the common bond, that commonality and the common belief that probably for the
same reasons that Gina and I became health coaches in the first place was there's just
a different, there's got to be a different approach, a better way.
We don't always want to run to the doctor for the prescription pad.
Like, what's the answer?
How do I, how do I treat this?
How can I make this better without having to go get the prescription?
And that's, I think that same belief is what led Ashley to, so you'll have to correct me,
but you're going to school for, yes.
For homeopathy.
So I'm a student.
And it's been amazing.
Like I already knew that I loved homeopathy, but like doing a deep dive into the history
and the philosophy and like all the different nuances has been like, it makes me just like
love it even more.
And I'm like, yes, this is what we thought medicine was supposed to be.
You know, this is really what we thought it was going to be.
And then we're let down.
Because basically, I mean, traditional Western medicine has its place, but absolutely, you
tends to be the prescription pad.
And we believe that that is a bandaid for things that.
That's kind of how I explain it to people is that I feel like you know, in the circles
I'm in, we, you know, traditional Western medicine, we call it allopathic medicine.
And so, you know, so we look at it as like allopathic medicine, traditional Western medicine
kind of just puts a bandaid on the problem.
You know, we're covering it up.
And oftentimes we're suppressing symptoms, we're suppressing sickness by, it'll push
it deeper into our bodies, deeper into the pathology.
And so and then I look at supplements and I love supplements, like they have a totally
great place in our lives too, but they kind of fill in the gaps, right?
Like they're filling in gaps in our nutrition, gaps in our health.
And but then I was like, I don't, these are great.
And I'm thankful for these, but I don't want to take a pill the rest of my life.
It's still, it's still like, you know, it's still something I have to what I want my body
to work the way it's supposed to work, right?
So I look at homeopathy as like, it's actually trying to uproot issues and help our bodies
heal in the process so that they are functioning in the way that they're supposed to.
And part of that, big part of that is having proper nutrition as well.
That's a great explanation.
I love that.
I've used an analogy, sort of like psoriasis, right?
When someone has psoriasis to say, there's a, they have a skin patch on their elbow and
they go to the doctor, the doctor's giving them a cream for that.
And the person who doesn't know the inside, how the body really works thinks of that as,
wow, that cream really worked for me, but what's happening, where's that going?
Because that inside, right?
It's only going to heat up somewhere else and cause a problem somewhere else in the body.
In fact, I know someone really close to our family that was having some eczema and had
some food sensitivities and allergies, developed some pretty severe eczema and was put on round
after round of steroid creams and so developed drug-induced dermatitis.
So completely covered, I mean, this poor child was completely covered in like this horrible
rash, like painful, bloody, itchy, I mean, it was bad.
It was really bad, but it's because the drugs caused, it just complicates things further.
We're not healing, we're covering up and in the long run causing more issues.
And that's how Western medicine doctors are trained to do that, so they're doing what
they know.
Right, exactly.
They're doing the best that I think in general, the majority are doing the best that they
can, what they think, what they've been trained and what they know.
And when you go looking for a different way and you want to cure that, I'm so excited
to introduce people to what, you get a little deeper into this and help understand what
it is and how it can help.
Like you explained to people in your chatting about like, how are we going to do this podcast
or what are we going to talk about?
And you use the phrase, like cures like, and so for me, the light bulbs were going off
with that.
Like that makes total sense to teach the body to heal.
So yeah, if you can touch on that a little bit.
Yeah, I would love to.
I'm going to give you just a really brief history lesson on homeopathy because I feel
like even some of the people that are in some of the crunchy arena, I would say crunchy,
healthy minded, natural minded people.
They're like, I've never, I don't even know what homeopathy is, and it's so interesting
looking at the history.
So I'm gonna give you just a really quick little overview.
So homeopathy was discovered in the early 1800s by a German doctor scholar, his name
Samuel Hahnemann, brilliant man, like multiple degrees.
And he worked as an MD and he just became like increasingly more frustrated.
And then eventually angry at the ineffective ineffectiveness of the current medicine at
the time at the time to actually treat the patients we had a lot of times it wasn't helping.
And a lot of times it was making them worse.
Does that sound familiar?
We're in the same circles, right?
It's just newer medicine.
So one day he was treating a client, a patient, excuse me.
And he was using mercury to induce the fevers so that, cause we know that fevers are our
body's way of fighting off sickness, of fighting off viruses, right?
Burning them up, burning them off.
And so he used mercury to induce a fever and he actually discovered that the mercury ended
up curing the patient's case of syphilis.
And so it was kind of his first inkling of this idea of similars of the light cures like
which homeopathy is based on.
And so he discovered through further investigation and research and there, I mean, it's so fascinating
if you go back and look at the history of it, that if a substance is administered to
a patient that is known to create similar symptoms to the issue that the patient is
having, that it will actually stimulate the body and cause it to heal from the original
So I'll give you an example of this in a minute.
So hang with me.
So through a process of many years and experimentation, they found out that the effects vary depending
on how much of the original gross substance was in the dose that they were administering,
how much it was diluted and secussed, which these processes are still used today.
Secussed is not just shaking, but a beating of the substance on a hard surface.
And so that's how they started to create what we call today potencies, like kind of the
strength of the different homeopathic medicines is how much is diluted and how much it's diluted
down into these different potencies.
So I'm going to go back to this light cures like, okay.
So again, they did like, I mean, there are thousands of homeopathic medicines and all
of them have been tested and they would be through a process called provings, which we'll
have to talk about another time, but just really, really interesting.
So, okay.
So take exam, for example, there's a, and all homeopathic medicines have Latin names.
So you talk about having a hard time knowing how to produce, we were talking about having
a hard time knowing how to pronounce things.
So homeopathy is always fun to try to figure out how to pronounce.
So you take allium cepa, okay, which is made from red onion.
And so think about it.
What happens when you cut into an onion?
What are some of the symptoms that you experience?
Your eyes water.
Eyes water, burning, itching, your nose starts running, your eye.
So all the burning, itchy, watery, that all that coming out.
So in the homeopathic form, allium cepa is used for hay fever, allergies, cold, flu conditions
that affect the mucous membranes, anything that's red, watery, burning sensations, right?
So it's that like in the gross substance or in the homeopathic form, if you introduce
that to your body, your body recognizes it and it helps stimulate the body to take care
of the current condition or the current issues that you're having.
So it stimulates your body to heal and take care of it on its own.
Isn't that so cool?
And it just makes so much sense, right?
When you can think about it at the root, it's like, yes, this is how it should be.
It's how it should be.
It's how it should be.
And so, okay, so a couple of other random facts about homeopathy.
Homeopathy has actually been around in the US longer than the first, like what we call
more modern day pharmaceuticals.
Homeopathy existed first before traditional pharmaceutical medicine was developed.
There used to be over 22 homeopathic schools in the US and over 100 homeopathic hospitals
just in the US.
And originally a majority of the homeopaths that started developing in the US were all
licensed doctors.
So this isn't just, you know, this grassroots movement, you know, it was like trained professionals,
very smart, intelligent people that pioneered this because they saw how it actually worked.
Are there any homeopathic hospitals today?
No, and some of them have like been named after the hospital.
It was traditional.
It was originally named after, but no.
And then there are, homeopathy is used all over the world and there's still a few countries,
including India is a big one, where homeopathy is one of the primary forms of medicine actually
still used there.
So super interesting.
I just, I love all that.
That's amazing.
And the sad part is that we don't have the hospital, those are gone, hospitals are gone.
We do have a big center here in Arizona though.
I've taken my son there and it's like a training hospital where people, probably medical practitioners,
naturopaths, or maybe even real, you know, like regular doctors attend.
I kind of wish I could think of the name of it.
I believe it's in Tempe, where they train doctors to do these homeopathic remedies and
And I had taken my son there at one point when he was in high school, just for a different
alternative to an ongoing issue.
So what's great is we can use homeopathy to treat acute conditions.
You know, like last night, my husband, bless his heart, he was trying to put up Christmas
lights on the house for me because I love it.
And we didn't do it last year because we were so busy and the ladder slipped and he ended
up falling.
And so, you know, I started treating him homeopathically, you know, where I'm giving him stuff for his
bruises and his sweat, you know, the pain and the, you know, all the things.
And my kids know now, because we've been doing it long enough, they're like, oh mom, you
know, I'm starting to feel like I'm coming down with a cold, like, where's this, where's
that, you know?
So they know now what to take.
So you can take, you know, it'll treat acute conditions and, you know, there's stuff that
I know that you can use for if you're having a stroke, you're going into heart attack,
anything that's even emergent.
There's amazing things for helping birth babies.
I mean, the sky's the limit.
Everything that we deal with, you can treat naturally with homeopathy, but then we can
also uproot chronic conditions, chronic issues, thyroid issues, UTIs, food intolerances and
allergies, environmental allergies.
So I mean, I could just go on and on.
So it's amazing.
And I'll bet you would, go ahead, Gina.
I was thinking sort of like essential oils, right?
Like how does it, I know that like, I'll use certain essential oils for certain things
that I have.
Here are usually the go-tos that I know of are essential oils for natural things or like
cannabis, right?
Cannabis restores homeostasis in the body.
So when people would ask me, does, can I, will it help with my headaches?
Will it help me sleep at night?
Will it help with my anxiety?
Will it help with my pain in my joints?
It helps with everything because it helps restore balance in the body and it's anti-inflammatory
So it helps with a lot of that stuff.
How is homeopathy?
Are you, is it condition or symptom specific or does it restore that homeostasis like that
So yes, and yes, so yeah, that's a great question.
So homeopathy where with the essential oils, and I love essential oils.
We use essential oils in our home, not as much as we used to since, you know, going
down the homeopathic route, but I, I view that essential oils are in my mind, I kind
of categorize them a little bit like supplements is that I would rather take that.
Let's say, let's say you have a UTI, okay.
Or let's say you have a yeast infection.
Well, let's go back to UTI like that one.
So if you have a UTI and you're, you know, you're treating them or, you know, you're
doing and I say yeast because I've done that with essential oils, I've treated yeast infections
with essential oils.
It does, I think that's so much better than taking antibiotics or taking over the count
monostat or, you know, whatever, whatever you're treating with UTI or yeast infections.
I know I'm blurring the lines here.
So it's so much better than taking a drug that's going to, that's going to push it deeper
into your body.
So what we find is stuff like UTI, that's, they're going to be reoccurring if you don't
uproot it.
If like, and I find that people who tend to have UTI, UTI get them regularly, same with
people that get strep or ear infections, you know, you treat it with antibiotics, it's
just going to come back again, you're putting a band-aid, you're solving the symptoms for
now, but it's not going to help your body actually heal to stop getting those.
And so where homeopathy comes in, so I would much rather use supplements or essential oils
to cure, you know, my yeast infection or, you know, to treat for the cold or, you know,
whatever it is that you're using them for.
Where the homeopathy differs is that it's actually going to help uproot the issue.
So we were just listening to a testimonial the other day about a lady who had chronic
UTI is chronic, like got them almost every month.
And so she started using homeopathy.
And she, at first, she didn't have one for six months, when she started treating it.
And then she had another one, or I'm saying, I'll take that back.
She had one like in three months, and then it was like an extra six months.
And then she had one a year later, and then she never had one again.
So it's helping your body learn how to uproot it to get rid of and this is a chronic issue,
So this is different than I have a cold, you know, some of those issues, it can take longer
if you've been dealing with something for a long time, it can take a little bit longer
to uproot and for your body to heal from it.
But that that's the difference is now it's been years and years and years and she hasn't
had another UTI because her body learned how to deal with it.
Another example is the other day, we heard a testimonial about a lady who her son got
stung by a bee and have started to have a pretty severe anaphylactic almost went out
anaphylactic reaction, treat it with homeopathy.
She caught it quickly had the right remedies on hand.
Like two weeks later, he got stung again.
This time the reaction wasn't as strong, treated again homeopathically, the third time he got
the same summer, he got stung again, and had almost no reaction.
So it's training your body how to deal with the issues, not only uproot chronic conditions,
but also training your body how to respond to things that it would normally have a negative
response to.
Wow, that's fascinating.
Isn't it?
How does something so that's like an acute thing or the UTI's?
How about something like when you have a thyroid, I have a low thyroid I struggle with, right?
So what's causing it?
For me, it's probably my adrenals are over stress.
Can't imagine why, but it could be my adrenals coming from my adrenals.
So how does something someone like me, how would homeopathy help?
Because there's...
Yeah, that's great.
And I'm sorry, you did ask that in part of your question while ago, and I didn't get
to that.
So homeopathy is when we go to treat someone with a condition and using homeopathy, we
look at two things.
One, is there a diagnosis from a traditional Western medicine doctor?
Is there hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism?
Is there adrenal fatigue, which I've walked through?
I know all about that is horrible, is a naturopathic doctor approach to things.
And so where homeopathy differs is that it does look at symptoms more, okay?
Are you tired?
Do you have brain fog?
Do you have, are you having yeasty rashes?
Are you...
So it's not enough to be like, well, I have yeast overgrowth.
How do you know that?
What are your symptoms?
Did you just have a blood test?
Because honestly, there's a lot of things in our bodies that our bodies can handle,
you know, just because most of us probably have parasites, but some parasites are good.
And it's not necessarily...
If you're not having negative symptoms from parasites, for example, then there's no need
to treat it, right?
If you're not having negative issues, negative symptoms.
So kind of the same that yeast, like, okay, well, we all know, we probably all from a
naturopathic approach have yeast overgrowth, but is it causing an issue?
Are you having joint pain?
Are you having intestinal issues?
Are you having yeasty rashes?
Are you...
What are the symptoms?
So I would say that homeopathy is a little bit more symptom-based, but also you can also
treat based off of an official diagnosis as well.
So for you, for example, I would say, okay, have you been diagnosed with hypo or hyperthyroid?
Have you gotten your numbers back?
And we don't necessarily look at the numbers, but it helps us know where to start, but then
also, okay, so let's start treating the thyroid.
And then there's some things that we can do to help with your energy levels and stuff
like that.
There's some things that we can throw in, but if we start treating the thyroid, what
happens is oftentimes a lot of the other symptoms we're having are going to go away.
If you start balancing your hormones and bringing them into homeostasis, then a lot of your
other symptoms, the brain fog and the this and the that and the low energy and the cyclical
depression and some of all these other things are going to start to go away as you bring
it into alignment.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah, that's really interesting.
And speaking of symptoms, Kristen, our listeners were hormone coaches, right?
So people in their late 40s, early 50s, and are having a lot of symptoms.
So I mean, we deal with people with hot flashes, night sweats, poor sleep in general, and the
brain fog, things like that.
Like how do we help our listeners with homeopathy when they're going through that?
Is that getting older so fun?
Undesirable side effects is pretty lengthy.
One thing before you even get into that, I think one thing that's important to point
out is when people are, you know, you get to be that certain age where you know you're
approaching that chapter of life, right, menopause, people accept it.
This is just part of this is normal.
This is just how it's going to be.
And I think the big eye opening thing here is there are remedies, there are things you
can do to alleviate those symptoms to make that because this is a natural part of life.
But if we can make it more comfortable, yes, we don't have to suffer so much.
There's no pain in suffering, yes.
But I think some people just have it.
I see some people just burst out into cold sweat in the make, you get to see people burst
out in sweat.
There are people out there, they think they suffer more with some of the symptoms and
some people may not suffer as much with some of these undesirable symptoms of this transition.
Yes, well, you know, it's funny too.
And I'll get into, I definitely want to make some suggestions to help help your listeners.
But it's so funny because I reached that age that I'm getting on social media, the advertisements
for like the bed jet, you know, like the Have you seen this, it's like the it's like this
box that you put and connect at the end of your bed and you next under your sheets and
it and it'll like you can set the temperature so it'll blow and keep you cool.
I was like, is it sad that I'm kind of wanting that?
All sorts of crazy inventions here to help people get through this because there's money
to be made in it.
People are your people are struggling and suffering and it can be just so unpleasant
and just yes.
So if there are you don't want to wake up in a puddle, so naturally to help make it
more comfortable than I think a lot of people I think most people I know are looking for
Like what can I do?
So let's talk about that.
Yeah, let's talk about that.
And before I get into making some of these recommended recommendations, I just want to
make a little disclaimer.
I am not a doctor.
I'm not a medical professional.
Any suggestions I make are for educational purposes and it's up to you what you do with
this information.
So I'm just sharing what I've learned, what I find helpful and what I'm studying.
So just want to kind of make that disclaimer before I get into that.
That being said, I really do believe that this medicine has been life changing for us.
And I think I heard a story today about this, one of my study group members was helping
a lady who had like multiple ovarian cysts, super painful and took homeopathy protocol
for a month and went back to her doctor.
And the doctor said, I have never seen so many cysts disappear so quickly.
So I'm just telling you just another testimony about how wonderful, how wonderful this medicine
So let's talk about some helpful things.
So homeopathy, for those of you who have ever looked into it, it's one of those things,
it can seem a little overwhelming.
You know how you go into, you start getting into essential oils, you know, you're like,
Oh, there's so many options and how do I use what and when do I use it?
And you know what, Oh, somebody says it's toxic or it's toxic for my dog, or you can
inhale this one, or you can injustice, you know, there's like this kind of learning curve,
So homeopathy has a learning curve, but there's some companies that have come out to really
try to make it user-friendly that I really love.
So there's, there's a couple of companies that we have easy access here into the U S
one is Boyron.
That's French.
It's B O I R O N it's, I don't have it.
I don't have to speak French, but it's like we call it boy, but we usually call it Boyron.
You can get these in sprouts, whole foods, Walmart, even Amazon.
And they have tremendous like list of all these combination remedies that are amazing
for some colds.
Like one of my favorite cold remedies is on there, but they have a whole like women's
issues section that helps with PMS.
They call it.
Most of them are Cycles is what they call it.
Like cycle ease, cycle ease, cycle ease.
I don't know, however you want to pronounce that cycle ease.
They have one for PMS, they have one for cramping, they have one for menopause.
And so you could look at those and look at your symptoms and kind of, that's an easy,
that's like the easiest way to get into getting help.
And so those I would take them, you know, two times a day, if you're in a bad state,
you can take them every three hours and they're, they have instructions on the box, but here's
the great thing about homeopathy is one, you cannot overdose.
Two, you're not going, it does not interact with any medications you're taking.
They're not contraindicated.
There's no, you're not going to have any bad interactions if you're taking other stuff.
So, which is fantastic.
So you don't have to worry about, you know, am I going to get sick cause I'm taking this
other medicine.
So that is a great thing.
They also have really good sleep remedies.
They have one called sleep calm, which like if you're having a hard time sleeping or staying
asleep, that's an easy way to just try it and see what helps you.
And I'll say this, like, if you're still, if you're in the menopause, perimenopause,
that kind of a state where you're still menstruating, it may take taking these for like one to two
months for you to see like tremendous difference.
We stay like in, in the homeopathy world that for chronic conditions, you really want to
give it about two months before you judge this isn't working at all.
If you see any improvement, any improvement at all, okay, then stick with it.
If you're like, well, I am sweating still, but it's only a couple of times a week, or
you don't want to meet any improvement.
I was having migraines or headaches, but now I'm only getting them like once a month.
So any improvement at all, stick with it.
But those are, those are great, easy kind of gateway remedies to get into.
Also Highlands is a really great one.
And I used to use Highlands with my kids all the time.
They're everywhere.
You can get, you can get them in a lot of, again, Walmart, they are, they actually have
another one of their combination remedies.
They have several for leg cramps.
So restless leg, leg cramps, I know that's a very common symptom too.
They have one for nighttime leg cramps, and then they have just a general leg cramps one.
But that is a great company that's very trustworthy that I really like that would be have some
again, combination remedies that are easy to get started with, to try and get some relief
without having to go a deep dive into learning homeopathy.
I love that they're readily available too, because I know just my local Sprouts has these
both of these brands and find it out when I talked to you last week, they're very inexpensive.
That's the great thing.
Like most homeopathic remedies are any like from $9 on a, like, you know, you might have
some of the more rare ones you might spend 20 something dollars for, but you're not spending
$200 on a, on a medicine, you know?
So that it's, it's wonderful and then you're curing your body and you're not going to have
to take it the rest of your life, right?
But that's what, and here's something a lot of people don't know, and I have some more
suggestions I want to make for you guys, but homeopathy is FDA controlled.
So some people kind of come against it, you know, like supplements of, oh, you know, it's
not regulated or whatever, well, it is, it's actually highly regulated.
And on top of the FDA, there are homeopathic organizations that actually control the regulation
and production of homeopathy.
So if any pharmacy is actually wanting to have any kind of reputation or be a part of
the general distribution and develop a name for themselves, then they submit themselves
to those regulations so that they can claim that they are following the guidelines.
So it's, I would say it's almost probably more strictly regulated than most pharmaceuticals.
And it's, it's, it's been under attack for a long time now, and it's even becoming worse
now because there's not money to be made if your body's well and you're healed, right?
There you go.
So, so recently there's a big push right now because the FDA is coming against homeopathic
eye drops and so it's, it's ridiculous.
So anyway, okay, so, uh, another remedy, this one I take, uh, and again, all of these, so
I told you there's 6,000 remedies or something like that in homeopathy.
Now obviously there's like much smaller list of the ones that are used most often and stuff
like that.
Um, so, you know, I'm making some general recommendations now, but this is part of what
I do and, and I'm going to be doing even more is helping people, okay, this one didn't work
for you.
Usually it'll work in 85% of people, but if this one didn't work, then let me, you know,
contact me and let's, let's fine tune, you know, your symptoms, let's, let's fine tune
the medicines that you need to be taken, taking based on your symptoms and your special, your
special circumstances.
So, um, okay.
So one I recommend, there's a couple of that are fantastic for menopause, but the other
big one, this one's what we call a polycrest and that means that it applies to so many
different issues is called sepia, S E P I A, okay.
Sepia is actually made from the inky juice of a cuttlefish.
This is so random.
If any of you like all that scientific stuff, like, um, it is a, it's all over a wonderful
hormone remedy, especially, uh, for women who have had children or have been on birth
control or any kind of, um, hormonal replacement, um, pills, IUDs, any kind of, um, even bioidentical
I know that comes up a lot with women going into menopause is this bioidentical hormonal
creams and stuff like that, which are still mostly artificial.
So, uh, we really don't recommend taking any kind of hormone replacement therapy kind of
But sepia is great for menopause in general, loss of libido, hot flashes, uh, persist that
kind of, uh, persistent sadness, depression, that especially a cyclical, um, that you've
that's not caused because of something that's happened in your life that a traditional depression,
but it's just more hormonal brain fog, um, feeling mentally or physically worn out, um,
maybe finding their spouse, repugnant, you know, feeling like, I know I love this person,
but now he just is disgusting me, you know, that happens.
It can happen.
Sorry, hon.
It's my hormonalist.
Um, I always think of my big fat Greek wedding.
Every time we say hormones.
You know what I'm talking about?
Wasn't that the aunt?
It's the hormonalist.
So it also can address vaginal dryness or those types of issues.
Um, the one thing I would say is that, uh, it's, it's recommended that if you are still
menstruating, that when your period starts to go ahead and go off of it for the week,
um, but this one, I would take sepia 200 C every three days.
And what's amazing too, about this remedy is that it's one of the primary medicines
that we take to help with migraines, people who suffer from migraines.
So it helps starts to rail.
There's others that are in addition to that, if you're having like an SOS situation, but
to help uproot chronic migraines, it's one of the leading ones for migraines as well.
So it, it can, you can see why it's a polycrusted.
It addresses lots of different issues.
Um, and I'll give you an example of how it's helped me.
So my whole life, I've had short cycles between 18 to 21 days, like the whole cycle.
Um, so it was horrible because, and I hope this isn't TMI, but I know you're addressing
women's issues.
So, um, but I was having periods every two to three weeks.
It was horrible.
So when I was in college, they put me on birth control pills to help regulate my periods.
And, and horrible cramping, horrible.
Like would have to miss a day of school.
If not two, I was taken, you know, 800 milligrams of ibuprofen every four to six hour, like
high doses.
I would almost pass out, almost throw up, like super intense when I was younger.
So anyway, so is it, was that you too?
It's horrible.
So, um, started taking CPA and at first I made a mistake and I took it too often.
And what it did is it caused, it pushed off my period.
It caused it, it caused me to be delayed by like two weeks.
And I totally freaked out.
Cause I was like, I thought I was pregnant.
I totally freaked out, but so that's why they recommend, um, take, you know, stopping
during when your period, just during that time, if you are still menstruating.
Um, but what it's done for me is it does cause me to have regular cycles.
I'm having more like closer to 28 day cycles now.
Um, I, uh, I am not my, I'm not saying I don't cramp at all cause I do, especially
about every other month, but like I just went through this and I have not had to take any
kind of, uh, extra pain help, which is miraculous.
Like I used to be laid up.
Laid up.
This, it sounds like I'm so, I just, I'm so curious about this drug cause it sounds like
it just helps with every aspect, things that we complain about.
Now there are some, there's some, again, there's some additional ones.
There's some, if you've already, um, if you're not menstruating anymore, um, and you're on
another on the kind of more on the opposite side, if you're, you've gone through, you
know, coming on the other side of menopause, there are some other things that I could recommend
if you just want to reach out to me, that's, that's part of what I, like I said, we can
kind of fine tune what, what your needs are.
Um, hot flashes, those kinds of things.
And the, the last, uh, the last one I would recommend is, you know, if you're just feeling
kind of irritated, you know, maybe you feel a little bit more angry, you know, um, and
certain times of the month or yearning, you're coming again, whether you're menstruating
or not, and you're still, you're still kind of having some weird cycles and some weird
things going on.
Um, is Camomilla, it's in, in the homeopathic form, I would use it, uh, a 30 or a 200 and
those potencies, SOS as you need it.
So you think about like a teething baby that's angry and frustrated and irritated and, you
know, they don't know why they just know they kind of hurt and things are, you know, this
kind, that's what we use for teething babies is Camomilla.
And that can be, that can be, yeah.
So that can be another remedy that just kind of helps you calm down a little bit.
You don't feel as angsty, you don't feel as angry or irritated.
Um, that could be a really good one that would help you as well.
I just love that somebody somewhere along the line and all this last couple of hundred
years that homeopathy has been around, somebody figured this stuff out.
Somebody and did the work because if there are treatments or, or just remedies, not really
treatments, but remedies to help people solve these problems or have relief without having
to use the drugs that our liver has to filter.
And this is, it's, it's so eyeopening to have a different option.
I know I get kind of geeked out talking about it.
I kind of like get overly excited cause I'm like, why didn't I know?
I wish I had known about these things when I was younger.
Like I wish I could have treated my children with this, you know, from the very beginning.
I wish that I had had these and I've never had gone on hormone pills, you know, I wish
I had done all that because that does affect you later on when you're on all that, you
know, fake stuff.
You sound like us, Ashley, we have those conversations all the time.
We knew then what we know now.
And here's what, here's another interesting to pull in your nutrition side.
And I think Kristen, I told you this the other day when we talked is how important your nutrition
is and affecting your hormones, which I know you guys go into even further, but just the
other day there was a lady, she was sharing how a lot of people in the homeopathic in
the circles that I'm in really follow Weston a price kind of guidelines and that you'd
go into more of that kind of, I don't know where you guys fall exactly on that.
But that's kind of what a several of the people I know in our teaching about some of
those kinds of health standards, but just healthy diet in general.
But one lady was talking, she's she's post menopause now.
But when she was still she was in menopause, she was when she was taking good healthy fats
regularly daily, her hot flashes stopped and she got out of the habit of doing daily healthy
And she started getting hot flashes again.
And she was like, Oh, my goodness, like, why am I sweating through my clothes that, you
know, all the embarrassing things.
And then she realized she had stopped doing the things that she knew was working for her
body nutritionally.
So supporting the gut supporting with nutrition, obviously, is the number one thing to having
a healthy body is to have a healthy gut.
But then the homeopathy can kind of come aside and be a helper.
It can kind of help get us into that homeostasis and where our, our, our gut and our nutrition
can take over.
You can't just eat a garbage diet and expect to take a homeopathic remedy and have it be
all go away.
It'll it'll help you.
You'll feel you'll feel relief, but it's you're going to have to deal with it again.
You know, it'll come back.
Some of our podcasts light me up a lot more than others.
This is definitely one of them.
This is definitely one of them.
It's just so empowering, right?
To know that there are options for us instead of struggling in silence or going to doctors
and this one's putting you on something for this and then referring you to their colleague
down the road to go see that.
And then the next symptom pops up.
It's like every symptom is treated by a different doctor in a different silo with a different
And it's whack-a-mole.
Remember that game whack-a-mole where you're like trying to find what the next thing is
To try to hit it and knock it down.
And like, you guys will appreciate this.
Like I could tell you testimony after testimony after testimony of people I've talked to or
listened to teachings from or people I know in person that they had such severe food allergies.
That could only eat five things, could only eat five things and started on homeopathy.
And now they can eat almost anything they want.
Now there's always like this, this pendulum swing right of, okay, now my body's healing
and I can eat almost everything that I want to.
But maybe I shouldn't eat those things.
So it's kind of coming back into the middle again, but I mean, miraculous homeopathy can
help your body heal from food sensitivities and allergies so that then you can support
your body with nutrition and not be afraid of your food, right.
Of how what, what effects you're going to have.
So I don't know how we are on time, but I do have one more question speaking about being
afraid of your food.
I've known some people probably since maybe 2020 that got something in their body and
have had reactions since then to certain foods and to a lot of foods.
And it's like even healthy things like strawberries and bananas and healthy things like that,
that they can't eat.
And it almost gets to the point that they're feeling like the grim reaper is chasing them
around or like following them around everything they eat.
How does homeopathy come into play with that?
Yeah, absolutely.
There are remedies that will completely help your body heal from food sensitivities and
Now I will say they can take a little longer.
It may be, I've seen people have results in a couple of months.
Um, if it's a severe, you know, you obviously you want to be under the care of a doctor.
It helps to know what your food sensitivities and stuff are, but, um, you absolutely can,
you know, some of these, it can take longer.
It can take, you know, it could take a year, it could take two years.
Um, but a lot of people will see improvement in a couple of months.
Um, so like I said, the longer you've had the condition, the longer it can take to uproot
But there is absolute, like, I would, I would, I would say food sensitivities and allergies
is one of the more clear, quote unquote, easier things to heal and to uproot using
And so if I, I don't have hardly any food sensitivities really, but if I did a hundred
percent, I would be taking these.
I have used it on my children.
I have a son who has a, um, a, um, nut allergy and so he takes this and so, um, we will be
testing it eventually and to, to see how he's doing, but he's a teenager and is not
always the best about being consistent about taking his remedies.
So we're going to, we're making sure he's consistent first before we test it out.
And I'm, I'm going to talk to you on a one-on-one level because I have, um, questions about
what that, because I'm guaranteeing this is going to be doing amazing things for people
that have autoimmune conditions.
Oh yeah.
My son has an autoimmune condition.
So I'd like to know more about, cause I'm sure we could do a whole other hour just on
that topic.
Oh yeah.
Such a deep complex and interwoven and case by case, person by person conversation.
But I would say those, those kinds of conditions, yes, absolutely.
They can be treated.
Um, but that is where you need to work with someone with a homeopath that can really sit
down and dissect, you know, the issues, what's going on, what you're taking, what your test
results are.
You need to be able to work with someone who wear versus, you know, I'm having restless
leg and I'm going through menopause.
Those are, you know, we can do some, we can do some things on a, um, a little easier,
a superficial level on that.
Love it.
So good.
Ashley, this was so good.
I feel like we could talk all day.
I know.
I like talking to you girls.
You'll have to do it again.
I'm sure that we will cause I'm just, the more I learn about this and just how it can
play a part in helping alleviate some of the, the things that Gina and I are helping people
work through with menopause and just hormones in general, whether it's blood sugar or thyroid
or yeah.
Oh, blood sugar.
That's an easy one.
So I definitely see it like how our, our passions meld together in this area.
And I want to make sure that we're going to put your contact information at the end of
the podcast and it'll be written in the description of the podcast so people can get ahold of
you because you're going to be doing virtual like meeting on zoom, doing one on one sessions
with clients just like Gina and I do.
So yes.
I have an intro to homeopathy class that's kicking off January 8th, which aren't you
guys starting a shred on the eighth?
Actually we are doing the shred and then menopause goddess program is going to be launching before
the beginning of the year.
So this podcast I think is going to be published on December 28th cause we just had one that
Well yeah.
So then they can, they can sign up for my intro to homeopathy class and then you go
to my social media and yeah, if you go to my social media, so it'll be posted in the
show notes.
Um, so you can look on there and contact me or there are posts about it on there, but
then they can do your shred at the same time.
It'll be a Monday, Monday kickoff where we can just get all healthy.
And like I said, our menopause goddess program will be, will be out by then too.
So it can all kind of go all of that.
So yeah, it's all good stuff.
We've got everybody all tuned in for next year.
I'm going to take all of the issues.
I want to hear, I want to hear how you're all, you know, if you have any stories, feedback
on people that are trying these things and how it's helped them.
I would love to hear that.
I know we're so excited for this one.
This is going to be a good, a good program.
There's such menopause is a big issue.
Every woman on the planet goes through it.
So it's something that's going to affect everybody eventually.
So there's definitely a need for some, some solutions and remedies there.
So we've been putting a lot into it and we're excited to launch it.
I will add this too, is that it doesn't matter if you have all your organs or not, this,
these will still help you.
We didn't talk about that, but whether you have, if you've had a hysterectomy or partial
hysterectomy or whatever you've gotten, it'll still help you.
So, yeah.
Okay, good.
All right.
Any, Gina, do you have anything else?
Ashley, do you have anything else?
No, this was really fantastic.
Thank you.
Thank you for having me.
I appreciate it.
Thanks ladies.
Thank you so, so very much for joining us today.
We know this podcast was full of amazing information and our wish is that this somehow
blesses you in some kind of way.
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and family.
So others may learn about this important topic.
As you listen to the podcast, we know you must've been thinking of others that need
to hear this.
When you hear that calling, it's no coincidence.
Please share the podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people to feel the confidence needed to begin their
healing journey and to take their health to the next level, reach their goals, learn about
nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal to live a long, healthy
and happy life.
You can find Ashley Cook, today's guest speaker, on Instagram and Facebook at Restoring Health
For You, all one word, Restoring Health, the number four, the letter U, Restoring Health
For You.
And on her website, Restoring Health For You Now, that's Restoring Health, the number four,
the letter U
We'll also post links to her socials and her website in the description below this podcast.
We're very excited to continue to work alongside Ashley as we incorporate more homeopathic
remedies into our courses.
So don't forget to follow Health Coach Gina and I on Facebook and Instagram at Stop Chasing
And we invite you to read our book and check out our online wellness coaching courses specific
to hormone recovery at
We thank you for spending your valuable time with us today.
God bless.