Stop Chasing Wellness
You're doing it wrong! You've been chasing the idea of wellness your entire life. It's time to take control of your own health and start creating wellness. The nutrition industry can be a confusing path to follow. In this podcast, Health Coaches Gina Hickman and Kristin Peterson take their extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and preventive health and draw on these skills and their knowledge of different dietary theories to help you make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results in a way that works for you. Health should be simple. It's time to Stop Chasing Wellness. Let's create it together!
82 episodes
The Lies They Told You About HRT
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can provide several benefits for women going through menopause. Some of those benefits include: relief from hot flashes & night sweats, improved mood and mental health, bone health, vaginal health, pr...
Season 3
Episode 60

Omegas Love Your Heart
Omega fatty acids, particularly omega-3s, are crucial for maintaining a healthy heart. They provide a range of benefits that help prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve overall heart health. Over 80% of Americans are deficient in ome...
Season 3
Episode 59

Did You Quit Already?
80% of people quit on their new year health goals by the 3rd week of January. WHY is that? Perhaps you set unrealistic expectation or didn't have results fast enough? Maybe you've been inconsistent or didn't have enough suppor...
Season 3
Episode 58

Building Healthy Habits
Learning how to prioritize the 4 pillars of good health: Nutrition, Exercise, Hydration, and Sleep can have a lasting impact on overall health.Accountability can make it easier to stick with healthy habits, even when life gets busy.<...
Season 3
Episode 57

Join us for RE:SET25 starting in January
RE:SET25 is all about building and maintaining daily healthy habits to benefit your body now and in the future. It's a simple, yet effective way to focus on proper nutrition, regular exercise, quality sleep, and staying hydrated. Th...
Season 3
Episode 56

Do This ONE Thing To Prepare For Menopause
In this episode we focus on one simple but powerful action you can take today to start preparing your body for the changes ahead. Forget about overwhelming lifestyle overhauls—this episode is all about single, actionable steps that will have a ...
Season 3
Episode 55

Gut Connection: The Link to Total Wellness
Gut health is directly related to your overall health. Science showing the correlation between the gut and disease is always changing and evolving. There's so much we don't yet know, but so much that we already do and can learn from...
Season 3
Episode 54

Homeopathy Unpacked: Healing Naturally
In this eye-opening episode we explore the myriad benefits of homeopathy and how it can enhance your well-being. Join us, along with our special guest speaker, Ashlie Cook as we discuss how homeopathic remedies can support the body’s natural he...

Menopause Is No Joke.....But Sometimes You Need To Laugh About It!
In this follow-up from our 4 part series where we explored the Symptoms & Challenges of Menopause we are joined by our friend and fellow Health Coach Marie Rubbinaccio. Marie is an Intuitive Wellness Coach, DNA Wellness Coach and is t...
Season 3
Episode 53

Menopause Symptoms & Challenges: Series 4 of 4
Series 4 of 4: Menopause can be a psychologically challenging time for women. This change in life brings many unpleasant symptoms and challenges that often leave women struggling to feel desirable. It’s a time when most women begin struggling w...
Season 3
Episode 52

Menopause Symptoms & Challenges Series 3 of 4
Series 3 of 4: Menopause can be a psychologically challenging time for women. This change in life brings many unpleasant symptoms and challenges that often leave women struggling to feel desirable. It’s a time when most women begin struggling w...
Season 3
Episode 51

Menopause Symptoms & Challenges Series 2 of 4
Series 2 of 4: Menopause can be a psychologically challenging time for women. This change in life brings many unpleasant symptoms and challenges that often leave women struggling to feel desirable. It’s a time when most women begin struggling w...
Season 3
Episode 50

Menopause Symptoms & Challenges Series 1 of 4
Menopause can be a psychologically challenging time for women. This change in life brings many unpleasant symptoms and challenges that often leave women struggling to feel desirable. It’s a time when most women begin struggling with the emotion...
Season 3
Episode 49

5 Things That Can Impact Cortisol
Cortisol can be our friend and our enemy. Cortisol is a stress hormone secreted by the adrenals that has helpful effects short-term, but chronic elevated output can have damaging long-term effects. In the short term, c...
Season 3
Episode 48

Facing Accountability
Accountability is a very vulnerable place. Facing accountability means that we have to put ourselves in a place of absolute trust. Trusting that when you share your most vulnerable parts, people will see you and still love you for w...
Season 3
Episode 47

Book Club with your Health Coaches & Authors of Stop Chasing Wellness
Announcing our Summer Reading BOOK CLUB with your Health Coaches and Authors of Stop Chasing Wellness: Create It. Tuesdays in July! Join Gina and Kristin for 30 minutes each Tues in July where we'll unpack our book a few cha...
Season 3
Episode 46

Blood Sugar and Healthy Body Weight
Blood sugar imbalances are at the root of almost all chronic illnesses. Blood sugar is directly related to your body's ability to maintain a healthy weight. Your ability to maintain a healthy body weight is an important factor in ke...
Season 3
Episode 45

The Power of Protein
Protein is the main building block of muscle. It is used to create body tissue, aids in satiety which means you feel full longer and tend to eat less calories. It promotes production of hormones & neurotransmitters and is requir...
Season 3
Episode 44

The Potato is Back!
For too long the potato has been vilified as an evil food to be avoided but we've got good news! The potato is back! The potato is a carbohydrate and more importantly it is a resistant starch. In this podcast w...
Season 3
Episode 43

Glycemic Index Diet & What You Need To Know
You've heard the term Glycemic Index, but do you know what that means? In this podcast we examine the glycemic index and explain how foods are given a score, how this score impacts your blood sugar, why this is important and how eating fo...
Season 3
Episode 42

Eat Those Hormones Right Into Balance
Choosing the cleanest, best sources of protein, carbohydrates and fat is an essential component to the health of your hormones. Eating them in the right balance to suit your individual needs is the secret sauce. In this podc...
Season 3
Episode 41

Mindful Reflection of Your Health Journey ~ A Special Meditation
We've got a treat for you! In this special edition podcast, Health Coach Gina leads us through a guided meditation as we take a trip through your health journey so far. Reflecting back on the good choices you've made in your life gi...
Season 3
Episode 40

What We Want Every Woman to Know About Menopause
Menopause is a natural part of any woman’s life. The symptoms associated with the hormonal changes that take place during this time can be uncomfortable and unpleasant and can often leave women struggling to feel desirable. It’s a time when mos...
Season 3
Episode 39