Stop Chasing Wellness
Stop Chasing Wellness
24 Hour Metabolic Launch!
We're launching a new offering and this one is FREE! The 24 Hour Metabolic Launch is the first step in getting the liver to detoxify and start functioning efficiently so you can be a lean, mean fat burning machine! These 24 hours will help you burn fat, reduce inflammation & create natural sustainable energy. This podcast explores the details of the 24 Hour Metabolic Launch.
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Stop Chasing Wellness is an online wellness coaching company founded by two Holistic Health Coaches, Gina and Kristin. Be sure to check out all of our offerings including our book, Stop Chasing Wellness; Create It, and our growing catalog of Hormone Specific coaching courses. All of our courses and offerings are designed to help you feel and live your best life in a simplified way that works for you. You can find Stop Chasing Wellness on Facebook and Instagram
Hello, friends, and welcome to the Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
If you're here listening to this podcast, we believe it's because you value your health
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or child find a
better way to deal with theirs.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down that confusing rabbit hole of conflicting
information that is swirling all around you.
Don't worry, we've got you.
As certified holistic health coaches, Kristen and I, I'm Gina, focus our health coaching
practice on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection of what's
going on in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
the level of your physical activity and overall health of your spirituality practice, your
career, and your finances and education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of this wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker, we invite you to check out our website at stopchasingwellness.com
where you can learn more about our wellness coaching programs that we have to offer to
purchase our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness, and to learn a little bit more about
both Kristen and myself.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach, and we are so proud to share
this with you and hope that you will find it to be the catalyst that you need to help
point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
And our online wellness coaching programs, they're done in a way that allow you to start
your program at a time that's convenient for you.
Coach Kristen and I are with you every step of the way to help guide you and educate you
and help you make this your very own personalized experience.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body, as well as actionable steps to incorporate lifestyle changes that
support the health of your hormones and create vitality.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and to learn how to start creating
We have a growing catalog of hormone-specific coaching programs that we absolutely love
and we know you will love them too.
All right.
Well, hello everybody.
How is everybody?
I'm health coach Kristen here with health coach Gina, the lovely Gina.
We're really excited.
We've been working on this really cool new course launch called the 24-hour metabolic
We're really excited about it, so we just wanted to share a little bit about what this
offering is going to entail to just kind of get everybody excited about what this is.
I think it definitely deserves an explanation.
I think people, they might hear us say 24-hour metabolic launch, but like, what the heck
is that?
Maybe they're like, I definitely do.
Or maybe they're like, I don't even know what that is, so they're going to skip it.
24 hours in someone's mind isn't going to make any changes when they already feel like
Let's be real.
But in order to get your body where it really needs to go, that initial 24 hours is a key
element to it.
That's the part that a lot of people miss out on, whether they're working with a health
coach or a nutritionist or they're running down to their local Weight Watchers or what's
that other one with the frozen foods, the neutral system, whatever it might be, people
are going to struggle to lose weight without resetting that body and getting it in an optimal
I mean, ideally, you would want to work with someone trained in holistic nutrition like
Kristen and I, and this is a way that we'd like to get you started with the 24-hour metabolic
So some of those, your metabolism can get sluggish in part, like your liver might be
Your metabolism can be slow.
Maybe you've been like struggling to kickstart some sort of weight loss.
You're trying to lose weight or you're just, there's some things going on where you just
don't feel right.
You're hanging on to excess baggage, right?
Whether it's bloating or you're just feeling fatigued or you're not sleeping right, right?
Your digestion's off.
We talked about a lot of these symptoms in that last podcast that we did called The Gatekeeper
Organ that we talked about the liver.
We talked about the two different phases of the liver and the sluggish, the detox process
that's not working right.
So we thought after we did that podcast, we're like, we need to do some sort of a course
to help people just kickstart that.
Like you said, like people think maybe 24 hours isn't, that's not going to make a difference,
but oh my God, it makes a huge difference.
Let's clear all that out and you really can do a great benefit in just 24 hours and it
doesn't have to, it's not disgusting.
It doesn't have to hurt and you're not going to starve.
And it's food.
It's always food.
When it comes to us, it's always food.
We're not advocates of starving.
I like food too much and you really don't, you don't need to do that.
It's not beneficial to not to starve.
No, it's just a matter of getting the right foods and the right food combinations in that
help jumpstart that body, start clearing out that liver and getting that metabolism working
in your favor again.
And it really is the first step.
So once you get past that 24 hours and get that kickstart going, it can help you just
start burning fat more efficiently.
And we all want that, especially as we're reaching menopause or in menopause, right?
Because we want to get this thing moving.
So what we're going to do in this 24 hours is get that, get the liver going and that
liver's got a big job.
It's the key point of detoxing, like we had said in the Gatekeeper Organ Podcast, it's
our circulation system that is separate from the other body circulations.
So we're going to, we're going to nurture that liver and all of the other benefit, all
the other organs are going to benefit from it.
So we're going to basically kickstart the phase one, phase two portion of the liver
detox in this 24 hour launch, because in phase one, we said that the liver transforms and
mixes all those toxins into chemicals that it can destroy later.
And then phase two, it has to basically flush them into like, it has to push them out.
So if it's not, if the body isn't getting what it needs to be able to get that sludge
out of there, that's when you start feeling crappy.
So we're going to kickstart that and get this going.
And how are we going to do that?
I'm so excited about it.
We're going to bring in a lot of clean food and lean protein and healthy fats.
And we're going to work on ridding the body of some toxins that we don't want there in
the first place, but Lord knows we can't avoid them.
Toxins are in everything, right?
They're in foods, food packaging, the water we drink, the air we breathe, medicines that
you might take.
So there's no way to live a toxic free life.
The best we can do is love on our liver because our liver is working 24 hours a day to clean
our body and get rid of these toxins.
So I mean, we know toxins hide in many places that we're exposed to that we just can't avoid.
So I think that just knowing that you'll find them in water bottles, food packaging,
something silly is plastic flip-flops, right?
Do you ever think your flip-flops are toxic?
But our skin is our biggest organ in our body, right?
And we absorb a lot through our skin.
So the best we can do is to be aware and to keep our liver clean so we can get rid of
that stuff.
And by being aware, we can help avoid as much as we can.
Like adding some clean water into our lives, some filtered water, that's a big one.
Using natural cleaning products and eating organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meats
and wild caught fish, things like that is how we can work to limit our exposure to toxins.
And this little, this 24 hour course is a quick little, just a jumpstart into that whole
deeper dive.
So it's going to, it'll help really reset the metabolism, flush all those, the toxins
and the excess estrogen your body might be hanging onto, flush some fat from your cells.
It's going to help your skin look just healthier and brighter in just 24 hours, you're going
to feel a lot lighter, you're going to have a lot more energy.
And we're going to glow.
We are, that's the goal, reducing that inflammation in 24 hours, just a quick 24 hour reset, reduce
I got, when you do that, then that's how all the rest of that good stuff gets to happen.
Your body just starts to release things.
So in this 24 hour, the metabolic launch, we've included tips to help you succeed.
Some of those things that Gina and I talked about just on how to eliminate the toxins,
tips on how to hydrate, we're going to focus on sleep and the benefits.
Always sleep, always sleep.
We always talk about sleep and stress reduction, giving you ideas and things, and we've got
some great meditations that Gina has recorded that we've embedded in this course, these
quick little meditative body scans and breathing and meditation exercises.
Gina is so good at that.
They're all embedded in there.
They are, they're so good.
You can find them anywhere you listen to our podcasts too, so if you're scrolling through,
go back and find them.
They're so good.
Yeah, so we have a 24 hour schedule laid out for you, things to do when you first wake
up and then we'll get into breakfast and mid-morning, lunch, midday, and before dinner, dinner, and
then before we go to bed at night, like to just have the day outlined so we can set ourselves
up for success, get through the launch, feel good, feel great, be proud of yourself, love
on yourself.
Self-care is so important, right?
And one of the ways that we can incorporate self-care is by feeding our bodies the good
food that it deserves and nurturing our bodies.
And I think there's a lot of question with that.
So in the 24 hour course, we've included your whole day, the whole 24 hour menu, including
the grocery list.
So we've broken the grocery list down by category to make it really easy when you're
doing your shopping.
So as you're prepping for this, you decide you're going to do it, you pick a day to do
You've got everything outlined for you.
And then again, Gina said, we've got your schedule outlined and then all of the recipes
are outlined from the minute you wake up to your morning metabolism hot shot, your green
goddess smoothie in the morning, your lunch, afternoon snack options, and then your evening
glow smoothie.
And then your evening metabolic elixir that you're going to have before bed to just really
help set you up for a good night's sleep and kickstart that metabolism into overdrive while
you're sleeping.
So it's all outlined.
I'm really excited about this.
I think people are really going to love this and it is the perfect segue into really any
of our other courses that we have to offer that can just help with everything.
Everyone's doing this on repeat is just going to help benefit.
We'll have a couple of coaching videos in here as well.
Cause we think, I mean, 24 hours, I think people think they're not going to notice any
difference, but we're going to do a couple.
We'll do a coaching video to just kind of help with some of those prompts to help you
understand where, how did you feel when you started and how do you feel when you finished?
Because we really want to point out to people that you can make a big difference in how
you feel and how you look, how you're sleeping, how your energy level is in just 24 hours.
It's a pretty amazing.
So exciting.
I'm excited.
Check this out.
All right.
Well, hopefully this was helpful and we look forward to coaching you through your 24 hour
metabolic launch.
All right.
Friends, thank you so very much for joining us today.
We know this podcast was full of amazing information and our wish is that this blesses you in some
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and family so that others
can learn about this important topic.
As you listen to this podcast, we know you were thinking of others that need to hear
this and when you hear that calling, it's not accidental.
So please share this podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people to feel the confidence they need to begin
their healing journey and take their health to the next level to reach their health goals.
Learn about nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal to live
a long, healthy, and happy life.