Stop Chasing Wellness

What We Want Every Woman to Know About Menopause

Kristin Season 3 Episode 39

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Menopause is a natural part of any woman’s life. The symptoms associated with the hormonal changes that take place during this time can be uncomfortable and unpleasant and can often leave women struggling to feel desirable. It’s a time when most women begin struggling with the emotional impact of lost youth. This can bring on feelings of loss, depression and a struggle to find a new identity as women enter into this next chapter of life. 

The solution is not a one-size-fits-all answer.   Every woman's journey is different.  Fortunately, there are a variety of dietary, herbal, and lifestyle modifications that can naturally support the body through this transition and help minimize symptoms. 

In this podcast we discuss what it is that we want every woman to know about menopause and why it's worth exploring a variety of options that can alleviate these symptoms to help you feel comfortable in your own skin and learn to gracefully embrace the changes happening and feel like yourself again.   

Join us in our private Facebook group. Stop Chasing Wellness: Inner Circle

Stop Chasing Wellness is an online wellness coaching company founded by two Holistic Health Coaches, Gina and Kristin. Be sure to check out all of our offerings including our book, Stop Chasing Wellness; Create It, and our growing catalog of Hormone Specific coaching courses. All of our courses and offerings are designed to help you feel and live your best life in a simplified way that works for you. You can find Stop Chasing Wellness on Facebook and Instagram

Hello friends, and welcome to the Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
If you're here listening to this podcast, we believe it's because you value your health
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or child find a
better way to deal with their struggles.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down the rabbit hole of confusing, conflicting
information that's swirling all around you.
We've got you.
As certified holistic health coaches, Coach Gina and I, I'm Coach Kristin here, focus
our health coaching on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection
of what's going on in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
your level of physical activity, and the overall health of your spirituality practice,
your career, finances, and education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of this wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker, we invite you to check out our website,,
to learn more about the wellness coaching programs that we offer, as well as to purchase
our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach.
We're so proud to share this with you and hope that you'll find it to be the catalyst
that you need to help point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
Our online wellness coaching programs are done in a way that allow you to start your
program at a time that's convenient for you.
Coach Jean and I are with you every step of the way to help guide and educate you and
help you make this your own personalized experience.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body, as well as actionable steps to incorporate lifestyle changes that
support the health of your hormones and create vitality.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and learn to start creating it.
We have a growing catalog of hormone specific coaching programs that we absolutely love,
and we know you'll love them too.
All right, here we go, everybody.
Health Coach Gina here with Health Coach Kristin.
And today we are talking about the wonderful whirlwind of menopause.
Our favorite thing to talk about these days, isn't it?
At the top of our minds and top of things like, well, that's the age we're at the top
of everybody's mind.
You know, sometimes there's symptoms out there that people think are just normal symptoms
and don't even associate it with menopause or perimenopause.
And there's so many things, right?
Like what do we always that what's the number one visual talked about symptom?
I'm going to say hot flashes.
There you go.
And that's the one we laugh about so much because they're everywhere.
They're all around us and they're such common.
It's such a common discussion thing anymore where that, I don't know, back maybe in our
parents or grandparents ages, it wasn't something that was talked about.
I don't think, but now it's like, I'm flashing, give me a minute.
And you know what?
I think it's when that symptom starts to hit that people realize like, Oh my God, I must
be, this must be menopause or perimenopause.
It's like all of a sudden that's the one symptom that makes them go, okay, I think this is
it, but there's other things that lead up to that too.
Like, you know, you're, we say when people are like, I think I might be perimenopausal
and I always ask like, have you been experiencing any symptoms?
Like I'm thinking like irritability and mood swings.
And they'll be like, no, I'm fine.
I'm thinking, really?
Cause lack of sleep or irritability, that weight, those dreaded five, 10 pounds that
just won't budge.
I mean, that's a really common one.
Lord knows I'm stuck with those few pounds myself, constipation, irregularity, right.
Hair loss.
And then the lack of sex drive.
Yeah, that's fun.
But those are the things that those are the symptoms that people experience these days.
I mean, everything's just, this is some serious stuff.
You guys think this is, it's not, this is not an easy transition.
We laugh at it because what do you want to do?
But how does it impact your life?
That's one of the things that we like to know about too.
How do all these menopausal symptoms impact your life?
One of the, one of the other ones that we didn't even mention are like joint pain, right?
Joint pain, back pain, leg pain, things like that, that who would think that that's associated
with menopause, but that's one of the symptoms.
So how do these symptoms impact your life and your overall wellbeing?
How does that happen?
Like, are you lacking with your friendships or your relationship?
Has your sex life just gone out the window?
Yeah, because it'll make you retreat.
Like you feel, you're not feeling like yourself.
And I think we all try to keep it to ourselves, even though we share and bitch and complain
with our friends about what we're going through.
But a lot of it is just, we internalize it and just kind of, oh, it's fine.
It's fine.
I'll deal with it.
But it really does affect how you feel.
It affects how, how confident you feel, how sexy you feel, how desirable, how, how even
just how relatable you feel like when you're in a circle of friends.
So it can be very isolating.
Not fun.
Not fun.
And there's so many different things available, right?
There's so many different options available and there's no one size fits all.
Everybody wants something in a bottle.
Myself included.
If I could just do something in a bottle and make that be the end of it and feel great,
boy, that's easy.
Isn't it?
Don't you think we would have done it if that was, we'd be on here saying, here's the
We'd be promoting that.
It doesn't work that way.
It doesn't work that way.
And while there's many, many different options available, right?
There's synthetic or bioidentical hormones.
There's acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal supplements, any, any, any number of these options are
available, but there's no one thing that's going to do it all.
And even, I mean, we know that through this phase of life that like diet plays a big role
in that, but even that it's not like a one size fits all diet, right?
Our bio-individuality comes into play like through our whole lives and in particular
here in menopause, it's just, it really just definitely presents itself.
Like we are all different.
We are all going to go through this.
All women are going to go through menopause and every one of us are going to have a different
experience with it, right?
You know?
I mean, and I think like you said, everybody wants to reach for the, the thing, the injection,
the pill, the, the one thing in a bottle that's like the answer to all, but if there was one
thing I wanted women to know about menopause, it's that it's that you, there is not one
It's you can't just take something in a bottle.
So if there is something that you're like, Oh, my friend was taking this supplement and
it worked for her and she felt better.
She started sleeping better.
She wasn't having hot flashes anymore.
And she lost 10 pounds.
I'd say I want that and I'm going to try that and it's going to work for a little bit and
then it's going to stop working, right?
So it's, it may be because whatever's in that bottle or whatever's in that supplement,
you might need that.
You might, your body might be lacking that one particular thing or a couple of those
Those are just combinations of herbal supplements in a bottle and, and maybe your body does
utilize it and needs it and, you know, absorbs it and you start to see the needle shift a
little bit, but, um, there will be a point where it's just not going to work anymore
because that's, it's just, there's no way to encapsulate menopause relief in a bottle.
There's so it's all encompassing, right?
And one of the things I always like to tell women is, and I've said it on here before
we get one body, we get one body and no one can do this for us.
No one can do this.
This is our temple.
You got to put in the work.
You got to do the hard things.
You got to do the things that, and if you don't like exercising, you don't like vegetables.
How many people do we hear that don't eat vegetables because they don't like vegetables?
Well, that's fuel for our body.
You know, our car might, our car needs gas to run, right?
We can't put sand in our gas tank and say, Oh, the car doesn't like gas.
I'm just going to put sand in and see how it runs.
It doesn't work that way.
We have to give our body the fuel that it needs.
And there might've been, I always have this conversation with Dave all the time.
It always used to be calories in, calories out, calories in, calories out.
And I always argued the fact that it's not calories in, calories out.
It's the quality of the calorie, how we were trained over 12 years ago in nutrition school.
When you put the right things in your body, you don't need to count calories.
You don't need to do math with the food like we, like we talk about, but when we're going
through this stage of our lives, you really need to dial it in and really get to the root
of it all.
You got to do the work and it's, it's a big dissection of your diet.
It's, it's understanding just how all the aspects play a role in it.
Sleep, what you can do to make, like it used to just be, you could crash out and just like,
I'm going to go to bed.
Well, and then menopause approaches and sleeping's not so easy, but learning how to incorporate
better sleep.
I mean, you got to get up, you got to, you got to move your body.
You got to exercise, right?
You can't just do, I remember one time I was in for my annual OB appointment and had gained
some weight and I was frustrated and my, my doctor was like, well, what are you doing?
And I'm like, I still exercise the same and I'm still eating the same things.
And he looked at me and he took me by the hand and he goes, you can't keep doing the
same thing and expect a different result.
There you go.
And it just hit me like when he said that to me in such a personal way and like really
looked me in the eye, I was like, Oh, duh.
Um, yeah, we have to mix things up.
We definitely have to mix things up, but we have to honor what we do.
That's the piece that we miss a lot of times, right?
Like, Oh, I got to go to the gym today.
Oh, I got to exercise.
That's a reward.
That's something to honor yourself about.
You're putting in the time.
You did that for your body, for your health, your wellness.
Change your language instead of I have to change it to I get to.
It's a mindset.
I mean, I mean, you just, you feel better, right?
When you change your diet, when you make those changes, you incorporate those things like
Gina saying, how many people don't like vegetables?
Well, if you don't like vegetables, it doesn't mean you're going to quit on them all together.
And that's kind of a different way to make things right.
That's where I think just like our menopause goddess course, for example, is such a great
way for people to find the different answers to this issue.
Cause there's so many different, there's more than one way to peel a banana or the one way
to spin a cat.
There's so many different ways to do this and it's not, it's not just a cut and dry
Our menopause goddess course, I think is a great, a great course for people to explore
the different options.
There's we review a variety of different supplements in there, a variety of different ways to help
people get sleep, to reduce stress, to incorporate exercise in different ways.
I mean, it's just, there's so many different things that people can do and giving yourself
the opportunity to the, I get to explore it, right?
I get to try this.
It's a, it's a way for people to just say, this is what worked for me.
And maybe it does like, just like taking the supplement in a bottle, you're going to find
that this works now.
And then maybe five years from now, it's not so cut and dry and you might need to change
again, but right.
And we need to just give ourselves grace, you know, give ourselves grace as we're going
through the process.
It's we are going to feel like shit some days, right?
We just are, there's no fighting that, but we are going to have a lack of energy, but
like Kristen said, in the menopause goddess course, there's such a variety of different
options for us from essential oils to herbs to there's just a great variety of options
for people to try.
So there's definitely something that will help you along your way.
And even even before that, we also have another a 24 hour metabolic lunch that just jumpstart
your body, just clean it up a little bit, give yourselves 24 hours to just flood your
body with things that it needs to thrive.
It's just a great, great segue into the menopause goddess program and 100% Yeah, I would say
that to start with that, kickstart your metabolism for 24 hours, follow through with the menopause
goddess course.
And then beyond that, like there, we are available for one-on-one coaching, which can be so helpful
because when do you have, you don't have an hour to spend with your doctor to talk about
your diet, your lifestyle, your like everything in that circle of life that we talk about.
That's what we get to get into.
And when you really have that time to honor that conversation, it's amazing what can happen.
And that's where the needle really starts to move.
So like we said at the beginning, this is not for the faint of heart.
Menopause is not an easy thing.
Can't expect it to be easy.
And it definitely is, is worth putting the time in for yourself to explore this and get
through it feeling like a goddess, like a goddess, friends, thank you so, so very much
for joining us today.
We know this podcast was full of amazing information and our wish is that this somehow blesses
you in some kind of way.
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and family.
So others may learn about this important topic.
As you listen to the podcast, we know you must've been thinking of others that need
to hear this.
When you hear that calling, it's no coincidence.
Please share the podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people to feel the confidence needed to begin their
healing journey and to take their health to the next level, reach their goals, learn about
nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal to live a long, healthy
and happy life.
Thank you.