Stop Chasing Wellness

Mindful Reflection of Your Health Journey ~ A Special Meditation

Kristin Season 3 Episode 40

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We've got a treat for you!  In this special edition podcast, Health Coach Gina leads us through a guided meditation as we take a trip through your health journey so far.  Reflecting back on the good choices you've made in your life gives you a boost in confidence.  You've done it before and you'll do it again!  This podcast will help you move forward with a burning desire to live your life to your full health potential.  You'll want to revisit this one again and again.  Enjoy! 

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Stop Chasing Wellness is an online wellness coaching company founded by two Holistic Health Coaches, Gina and Kristin. Be sure to check out all of our offerings including our book, Stop Chasing Wellness; Create It, and our growing catalog of Hormone Specific coaching courses. All of our courses and offerings are designed to help you feel and live your best life in a simplified way that works for you. You can find Stop Chasing Wellness on Facebook and Instagram

Hello, friends, welcome to this special edition of our Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
Today we're going to switch things up and do it a little bit different.
And we know everybody who listens to the podcast really takes their health seriously and puts
a lot of effort into their wellness, right?
We all want to work to be a little bit better each day.
And we just wanted to acknowledge that and kick back today and take a break and go on
a mindful meditation of your health journey so far.
But before we do that, we invite you to check out our website, which is
to learn more about our self-led wellness coaching courses that health coach Kristin
and I offer, as well as to purchase our book by the same name, which is Stop Chasing Wellness.
And while our courses are self-led, we're with you every step of the way to guide you
and educate you as you make this your own personalized experience.
We're proud to offer the courses that we offer as well as our book, and we hope this continues
to be the catalyst that points you to reach your health and wellness goals.
And as we move on, I ask you to just find a comfortable place, get yourself situated,
and we'll begin our meditation.
In today's session, you'll cultivate a feeling of deep appreciation by reflecting on your
health journey so far.
It's always good to acknowledge all of the wonderful choices you've made in your life
because this gives you a boost in your confidence, knowing that you've done it before so you
can do it again.
Find yourself in a nice, comfortable position, making sure nothing will distract you for
the duration of this session.
This is a time where you're free from being needed.
It's solely for you.
You'll experience a deep relaxation and a gentle gratitude for all of the healthy choices
you've made.
It's always beneficial to take a nice, big, deep breath when beginning a meditation session.
So let's breathe in fully and deeply five times, counting your slow breaths as you go
. Good.
Let's continue and get a few more breaths in.
Deep inhale and let that go.
Let any of that tension in your body go with it.
Just take one more nice, big breath in and let that go.
Become aware of the nice relaxation that these five breaths have brought you.
If your eyes are closed already, please open them for a moment and softly gaze in front
of you.
What is it that you see?
What do you notice within your vision?
What colors do you see?
How far away are things from you?
Can you notice the texture of things within view?
How about a light or shadows?
Now let your eyes slowly fall closed, enjoying the darkness behind your eyelids.
Even with your eyes fully closed, you can easily remember what you were just looking
Remembering the colors and the textures, as well as the shadows and the light, you know
exactly how far away things are from you.
This is your natural ability to visualize and it's a powerful technique that you can
use to better your life in all kinds of ways.
With this visionary ability, begin to visualize some good, healthy choices that you've made
Did you exercise and work up some good blood flow?
Did you prepare a healthy meal?
Maybe you've had lots of laughter with a dear friend, making you live longer.
Reflect on those times in your life where you've made positive, healthy choices.
How did you feel when you chose health rather than simple satisfaction?
I bet you felt proud.
Your body most surely thanks you for making life-giving choices.
Now remember when you did something you thought you couldn't do?
What was it that happened in your life but you thought it never would?
It can be something small or something grand.
On your health journey, there will be lots of challenges.
We know that, but a challenge is what pushes you towards success.
Yes, of course it'll be hard, but the harder it is, the more proud you are of yourself
when you accomplish that goal.
Eating healthy 95% of your life should be something you aspire to.
Exercising five times a week is something that makes your body resilient with the added
benefit of clearing your mind.
Choosing to be around people who support you, who are positive, and they want to see you
succeed, giving you the courage to go for it.
At some point in your life you have made wonderful choices in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Remember those times, now in great detail.
Recall helpful things that people have recommended to you.
See how they had your best interest in mind?
You even took their advice.
Let's visit a memory when you were exercising in an active and satisfying way.
How did you feel?
Taste the food of a healthy meal that you chose to eat or cook, knowing that it's nourishing
your entire body, every cell in your body.
You have the incredible power of will within you.
You have that built within you to make for a sustained healthy life.
Exercise this power of will by making the choice right now.
Choose health 95% of the time.
And for that 5%, guess what?
Enjoy the dessert you love or the lazy day you deserve, knowing that you'll always return
back to your healthy way of life.
You enjoy treats just as that, a treat.
Life feels so much better when you discipline yourself to make healthy choices rather than
giving in to unhealthy choices, which cause tiredness, loss of energy, and general unwellness.
Allow for the power of choosing health to encompass you right now.
Let's take a deep breath here, let's pause, and let that go.
Repeat these positive affirmations for a confidently healthy life.
I appreciate and love my body.
I care for my body.
My body reflects my healthy lifestyle.
My skin is glowing.
My energy is amazing.
I feel great.
I move about with ease.
My body is pain-free and I am strong.
I am fit.
I am healthy.
I am dedicated to making good choices.
My life is filled with amazing feelings.
My mind, it's free of judgment.
I no longer drain myself with worry.
I release all that does not serve me.
I let anything go that holds me back.
I'm resilient.
I am amazing.
And I love life.
Now feel that powerful effect, all these wonderful words are having on every level of your awareness,
every cell in your body.
Only you can choose to be healthy.
No one can do that for you.
From this moment on, you are deeply rooted in your intuition.
You know what that is.
That little voice, that hunch that guides you in the right direction, that inner message
that is telling you no when you need to turn the other way.
Your intuition is in full effect right now.
Listen to it with a great respect.
You and your intuition work in unison to order the manifestation of your healthy life, the
life that you deserve to live.
Gently begin to rise from this meditation, feeling a deep inner peace and wellness.
Begin to wiggle your toes and your fingers, reacquainting yourself to the body.
Gently open your eyes, noticing what you remember seeing before you closed your eyes at the
beginning of the meditation.
It all remains in front of you.
Take on the rest of your life with a burning desire to live your life to your full health
potential and inspiring others to do the same.
Thank you for being here with me today.
God bless and go on healthy.
Enjoy the rest of your day.